Increase campaign donations

Personalized Campaigns


Creating a campaign is a great way to motivate donors to give just a little bit more, and get their friends to join in.

Nonprofit Campaigns

You can create regular campaigns of a custom duration with a goal of a custom amount or number of donations. Each campaign will get its own landing page to share on social media. Financial reports will show campaign donations over time by campaign.

Nonprofit Profile

Once you create one or more campaigns, the current 'active' one (by date) will appear on this page.

The donate button on the profile will assign the donation to this main campaign.

*An example nonprofit profile page with an active campaign running

How to create a first campaign

Make sure you have setup a main campaign. Check out how here: Main Campaign Setup

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*An example campaign page

Campaign Central

This is the page to share on social media for your fundraising campaign. Both nonprofit organized campaigns and donor campaigns have one of these pages.

You can edit the campaign using the 3-dot menu next to the sponsor avatar. You can edit:


In the activity stream on the bottom left, the sponsor and any donor to the campaign can leave a message.

Sponsors can pin favorite messages to the top.

Donor Fundraisers

The bottom right includes related campaigns for the same nonprofit. This is where a donor can create their own fundraiser.

Campaign Updates

You can keep donors (past and potential) up to date with the campaign progress and encourage interactions.

The Message button at the top lets the sponsor or any donor add a message on this page. Sponsors can pin favorite or important messages to the top.

Related Fundraisers

These fundraisers are by other sponsors for the same nonprofit. This helps donors see how engaged others are and know that they can create one too!

This encourages more people to create a campaign for your nonprofit.

Donors can create their own fundraising campaigns with their own personal goal amount. Their campaign will also have a unique landing page customized by them. They share it on their social media and drive friends and family to give. The donor gets to feel good about helping you raise much more funds to do more good.

All the funds raised are direct to the nonprofits Stripe connected bank account. No funds are held at Civic Dawn or by the donor sponsor.

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*A sample campaign message feed
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*donation checkout form when donating to a campaign

Donation Form

When donating to a campaign, the summary card with goal bar appears at the top. Donors see this when they press any of the Donate buttons.

You can embed this donation form into your external site, or on Civic Dawn hosted pages when using the Civic Dawn page designer.

Check out the other customizations to the donation form on the other Nonprofit How To pages found in the footer of this page.

How to create a first campaign

Make sure you have setup a main campaign. Check out how here: Main Campaign Setup

See more How Tos at the bottom of this page.