Create a first campaign

Tell donors how much you need for your mission

Nonprofit Profile

Once you create one or more campaigns, the current 'active' one (by date) will appear on this page.

  1. A customizable name
  2. A goal amount OR goal number of unique donations
  3. A goal bar showing progress towards the goal
  4. profile photo of the campaign sponsor for a personalization
  5. A button to see the next screen, the Campaign Central

The donate button on the profile will assign the donation to this main campaign.

*Sample caption

Before you begin

Make sure you have enabled fundraising on Civic Dawn. Check out how here: Connect Stripe

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*Nonprofit profile, 3-dot menu to open fundraising options

Profile Edit Options

Once you have claimed or created your nonprofit profile, you'll have access to the 3-dot menu on the profile card. Click on that to open the list of options you can edit.

Select "Fundraising Options" to edit donation amounts, campaigns and funds.

Campaigns list

This is where all the official campaigns of the nonprofit are listed and created. Only Editor role users and above in your nonprofit can see this page and edit a campaign. Donor campaigns are created from your published campaign pages.

Click the Add button to create a new campaign. Click the pencil (edit) icon to the left of a campaign row to edit that campaign.

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*Fundraise Options page, Campaigns tab.
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* Campaign edit form

Set your goals

Tell donors about the campaign with a creative title and informative description. You can set a goal based on number of donations or dollar amount raised.

The latest start date campaign that has elapsed will be the one shown on your nonprofit profile page, up until the termination date. If there are no campaigns within the start date to termination date range, then your nonprofit profile will not show an active campaign. So make sure you have another setup to start after either the goal date or termination date.